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Sep 27
Chitembe 2020 Mana Pools • 27 September 2020 - 1 October 2020

Chitembe 2020

  • 1 Teams competing
  • 7 Anglers fishing
  • 8 Fish caught

Top 10 Teams

  • 1 Gutted Goose
    Dave, Danie, Mitch, Taki, Matt, Robbie, Oom Piet
    1 Species 14 Fish 32.450pts

Top 10 Anglers

  • 1 Dave
    1 Species 4 Fish 11.270pts
  • 2 Danie
    1 Species 3 Fish 6.020pts
  • 3 Mitch
    1 Species 3 Fish 5.880pts
  • 4 Taki
    1 Species 2 Fish 5.380pts
  • 5 Matt
    1 Species 1 Fish 2.100pts
  • 6 Robbie
    1 Species 1 Fish 1.800pts
  • 7 Oom Piet
    0 Species 0 Fish 0.000pts

Top 10 Fish

  • done_all Dave (Gutted Goose) Tiger Fish 5.590pts
  • done_all Danie (Gutted Goose) Tiger Fish 3.980pts
  • done_all Taki (Gutted Goose) Tiger Fish 2.800pts
  • done_all Taki (Gutted Goose) Tiger Fish 2.580pts
  • done_all Dave (Gutted Goose) Tiger Fish 2.560pts
  • done_all Matt (Gutted Goose) Tiger Fish 2.100pts
  • done_all Mitch (Gutted Goose) Tiger Fish 2.100pts
  • done_all Mitch (Gutted Goose) Tiger Fish 1.920pts
  • done_all Mitch (Gutted Goose) Tiger Fish 1.860pts
  • done_all Robbie (Gutted Goose) Tiger Fish 1.800pts